Thank you for partnering with Clinica Verde!
"Having spent 30+ years in nonprofit leadership and development I have had the good fortune to experience many wonderful organizations. I can say without hesitation that Clinica Verde is one of the finest – in every respect."
– Judith Sissener
"My husband, Don was an original member of Clinica Verde's Board and we were important early funders of the effort. We were inspired by the vision and tenacity in pursuing that vision to create a new and different template for providing health, hope and dignity to persons in very poor countries. Although we are no longer part of the Board, we continue to support Clinica Verde financially and intend to continue doing so well into the future. It is one of the best things we ever have done with our money.”
– Joan Farrar"
“Gracias por pensar en la mujeres. Gracias por pensar en los niños. Pocas instituciones como ustedes se preocupan por la nutrición y educación de salud con dignidad, de quienes mas los necesita.”
- Faith
“Clinica Verde provides critical and indispensable public health services to clients in rural Nicaragua in a culturally sensitive manner. Clinica Verde represents a beacon of hope in otherwise very trying times for the people of Nicaragua. The work that they do day in and day out for the Nicaraguan community represents the highest quality nonprofit work that NGO’s can aspire to do!"
- Ken Dominguez